I recently embarked on a trip to New Jersey with a couple of my friends. Amongst some great tax free shopping we grabbed up some lenses. They are from a brand called Rainbow Complete NEW YORK.The brand is owned by parent company Fine&Clear and the lenses are manufactured in Korea by a company called THEG INC. (Never heard of them prior). The brand has 7 different styles of lenses each with their own varying colors and patterns. Naturals which is a line of 1 Tone lenses. Illusions which is a line of 2 Tone lenses. Mistys which is a 3 Tone line. Blendys which is also a 3 Tone Line. Smokeys which is 1 Tone. Cocktails which is 2 Tone, and Krazys which is their special effects line. They were purchased at a beauty supply in Jersey City somwehere between 48th and 59th street. Can't remember the exact location. They were pretty much $30.00 everywhere and most of the BSS had the entire collection or a majority of them. I have seen some of the other lenses on my friends since and I plan on purchasing a few more at the end of the summer when we go back. I purchased a lens from the Mistys line. The shade is Caribbean. While it's supposed to be a 3 Toned lens it imho is more of a 2 Toned lens. In the package/lens case they do favor a brand called Expressions by Coopervision. On the eye in talking distance though they favor Natural Touch by Coopervision and Elegance by Ciba Vision. Here are some pics of the lenses. I do apologize as they were taken after having a shower and washing my face with a new brand upon arriving home from the tanning salon.
Lenses in the case:

Close up shots of the lenses on the eyes:

Full face shots:

Overall I like them. They're comfortable, cheap and create a dramatic yet decent effect. I don't like the fact that like many other lenses that appear great (Pacifica comes to mind) they only seem to come in plano. Another downside is I've done quite some researching on these lenses since I've purchased them and even on their homepage http://fineandclear.com I can't seem tot ell if they are available in corrective parameters or not. If anyone can find these lenses online,a nd even better in corrective powers please let me know. So wht do you think? Are there some other lenses in their line that intrigue you and you'd like to try or see on someone? LEt me know in the comment box.