This review specifically is for my Yellows. In general I always hope for the best results with semi opaque lenses in this particular shade. Unfortunatly brands like Solotica have let me down in that department. Fortunatly after getting these on a whim Adore has renewed my faith in this shade. So here go the pics!

Overall they are extremly comfortable. I can wear them for 10-12 hours with no discomfort or redness and seldomly have to rewet them. They last for 3 months with consecutive use (or daily wear). Most of all they're super realistic. In person they look ridiculously natural. Even in photos they look more natural than most lenses. Personally I prefer blue lenses period for my daily wear. These lenses look so gorgeous and natural that I find myself reaching for these 2-3 times a week. They can be subtle in most settings and really vibrant in others. Due to their semi opaque pattern they react to light tonewise just as natural eyes do. They also seem to blend seamlessly.
They currently run $39.44 USD plus shipping at http://www.lensmarketplace.com/ I can't remember my overall total as I ordered a few pairs of lenses from them. They did take about 2.5/3 weeks to arrive. I was aware they would take a little longer as my lenses are prescription and one of the other pairs of lenses I ordered was out of stock.
If asked I would highly recommend these to anyone who wants a natural, realistic lens. I do also stress they keep in mind that like all semi opaque lenses do create a natural result. That being said the result and tone achieved is completly dependant on your natural eye color and your features. Reguardless I would still highly recommend these!
If you would like to see a review on the Grey's just let me know!
These lenses were purchased with my own money. They were in no way, shape or form provided to me from either http://www.lensmarketplace.com/, Adore, or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries. I was in no way, shape or form gifted or compensated for this review. This is NOT an advertorial. Any and all pictures (with the exception of promotional pictures and/or color charts) with my mark are my SOLE property. All thoughts and opinions good or bad reguarding a product or lens are mine and mine alone.
These look amazing on you Gregg! I'm going to have to open up my pair and try them out soon because of you. :D
Thanks! I really do love the effect of these. I have a few friends and relatives who are tempted to try them too. I think you'll really like these. I'm tempted to try another shade of these.
Do you think that adore bi yellow contacts are noticeable on bronw eyes or they are very dark? I want to order them but I'm not sure.
Have you tried Acuvue 2 opaques? I am also thnking of getting the honey ones.
Yes they are. I have seen them on eyes darker than mine and they look very natural. The only difference I've noticed was in the lightness/vibrancy of the tone achieved. They stil created a subtle, natural, noticable change imho.
hi gregg i recently came upon your blogs and i love them!! Im going to order the adore yellows bi tone because of you!!! my only question is... do you think i should pay for the express shipping?? or would it even make a difference??.. i don't know which one to pick, either express mail or regular mail.. thanks!
TBH I personally have xperienced no drastic difference in the speed I've received my items from overseas when I've paid for express shipping. You could if you'd like. Just keep in mind that often when ordering internationally express shipping simply applies on their end postal wise. Once it leaves the country of origin and hits your country it has no bearings on how long it sits in customs before it's shipped to you via your local usps/postal company.
Ahh... your right. Im just going to do regular shipping, there's no point in paying $40 shipping, I just hate waiting!! I came across koreabigeyes.com and they sell them too, but their shipping is even longer, so ill let you know what I think when I get them. Hopefully they look as good as yours! Thanks!
Hopefully you thuroughly enjoy them! Let me know what you think when you try them out!
Hey Gregg! How are you? I was looking for reviews on Adore bi tone yellows and Found your blog. I need to hop back on to the forum and post my reviews on the aqua and grey. These lenses are perfect for you, the limbal ring enlarges your irises. They're my favorite lenses and extremely comfy, can't wait to get my yellows. Hope everything is well with you :) .
Oh haha this is Nora from Lensaholics ;)
Hey Nora! Everything is good! Hope all is well on your end as well. I really do love these lenses! I am contemplating ordering the Greys next as well as the Tri tone in aqua. I hope you get yours soon. I think you will enjoy them!
Hi Gregg, just want to let you know that I appreciate you for trying out all of these contact lenses =) champ !! And of course you look great in them.
I'm thinking of purchasing my first two pairs of coloured contacts, but I'm having trouble with choosing the colours.
Though I heard that Solotica Hidrocor Mel is really good on dark eyes ( mine are dark brown, almost black), so I might get those. However, I would like another pair, preferably light brown or hazel, something natural for someone with dark eyes.
What would you recommend ??
As far as Solotica I think if you get a well pigmented pair Mel would help you achieve a natural hazel/green shade. If you want to stick with the same brand than I would suggest Hirdocor or Natural Colors in Ocre. If you want to branch out I would suggest something like Pacifica in Honey. Do keep in mind I'm basing these suggestions from my own personal experience and I don't have dark brown eyes. I have seen all of those come out well on people who do have medium to dark brown eyes so I think they would look more along the spectrum of what you're trying to achieve.
Hey! I just stumbled upon your blog while trying to look up some bi adore reviews. I was wondering if you could do a review on the grey bi adore ones? I wanted to know what it would look like on you. I saw Jen's review and it looked great! thanks!
Thanks for checking out my blog! Unfortunately while I have reviewed the Yellow and Aqua I have not reviewed the grey. I am in need of a higher rx for my lenses so I haven't ordered any of them yet. As soon as I find out my new prescription I will be ordering the Grey as well as Green bi tones. Wish I could have a pair to review for ya already but at this time I don't. Hopefully the two I do have can give you an idea of how their pattern blends overall.
Hey Greg
I just came across your blog whilst I was looking up info on adore bi tones, they look fab on you by the way! I've just ordered a grey pair after seeing ur blog! I just wanted to ask you, I'm used to wearing yearly coloured lenses & I was wondering if I wore my bi tones maybe just a couple of days a week could they last longer than 3 months?
If cared for and cleaned and stored properly I believe so. I believe the 3 month guideline is intended if the user wears them on a daily basis. I have replaced both these and my aqua since but I had them for about a year before doing so and they seemed the same as when I first wore them.
Glad I found ur blog!Im town between solo tica hydrocor mel and adore bi tones yellow.I want sultry look, just that Im unsure if bi tone yellow would show up in my indian eyes?My eyes are almost close to black.Ive wore the Adore Dare series in Yellow and it just glimmers,quite natural effect.I do want a slight pop out look at the same time doesn't look fake.Help me pls?:)
The Adore Bi Tone Yellow are subtly pigmented. If you have darker eyes they will be noticeable, however as a more subtle, deeper shade of green. In general the Soloticas in Mel are more noticeable on darker eye shades. That being said I think Solotica Mel in their Natural Colors line would be a good fit for you. They would give you that noticeable change, yet the added limbal ring would give your eyes that sultry something extra the Hidrocor pattern wouldn't.
thanks for the reply.What about hydrocor series?Im eyeing these series compared to NC and Hydrocharmes.Compare to Natural colors?And Im confused to go wt Ocre or Mel.Since the website(wrens) listed that Ocre isn't for dark eyes?
I really like these lenses! I'm struggling between the yellow and the honey /:
Ocre would be more noticeable on darker eyes. I recommend the Natural Colors line because of the subtle limbal ring. The Hidrocor line can have a lot of leakage if your iris isn't large enough to not be over covered by the lens. Please keep in mind this is based on my own personal experience.
They are great lenses. I find that when I wear them, especially the Yellows they are not spotted as lenses at all. I think the Honey have potential to be nice but have not seen many actual pics of them. Hopefully you enjoy whichever pair you choose :)
Hi! I Love love love your blog! Ive tried the hidrocharmes mel and they were too large for my iris, also I didnt like the green they turned on my eyes...too dark..I did my homework and see the Adore's have a smaller diameter which would work better for me...but my eyes are dark brown almost black, what color adore would you suggest for a natural light greenish-hazel pop for my eyes? I'd love to hear your thoughts.
I would suggest Adore Bi Tone Green. Unlike the yellows they're an actual green tone. IMHO they would be more noticable as green on darker eyes at a general talking distance.
Hello, I'm so close to purchasing these. But a problem I had with colored contacts before with other brands was that I saw a blurry ring of color. The pupil hole is always too small, so I'm looking for a brand with a wider pupil diameter. Idk if you've ever experienced this with other brands but do you think Adore would be better for me?
Thank youu,
Hello Gregg. I just purchased the adore bi tone green and yellow contact based on your blog. I am hoping that they come out just as nice as yours in your pictures. I have very dark brown eyes so I am hoping that I at least get the shade that you have in your pictures.
Hopefully you enjoy them! You should get a subtle, natural green shade. It'll be natural but not necessarily as noticable of a change such as the shade I got because they are a semi opaque lens. The darker your eye color, the more subtle the change will be.
Hey i actually use contacts to see so would u recommend them prescribed
my favorite are the Adore Bi Tone Grey but my eyes are allergic to them..its been years that i have been looking for a smiliar color that looks as natural..any clue?
Hi...I loved the color..it looks so natural...my eye color is dark brow_black..do u think grey woukd fit well??
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