Full Face:

Close Ups:

Side Shot:(For the hell of it)

I LOVE their overall effect in the full face shots. While the blending is still very nice, even beyond what I experience pattern wise with other disposable lenses their's something about that up close....demarcation for lack of a better word, that bothers me. Other than that they're super comfortable and the color I achieved I find gorgeous. I do like how these look even in the mirror better than the close ups with my camera. (It's a GM 12.2 megapixel Q1250 whatever all that means). I would recommend them but with the warning that these probably will look best on extremly light, or extremly dark eyes.. I think Tri Tone Aqua and Bi Tone Grey and Hazel will be my next tests in the water with this brand. Hope everyone has a good day! Now I'm off to re watch last nights episode of True Blood! (IS anyone else obsessed with that show?)
The lenses in this review were not provided or sponsered. They were paid for with my own money. The pics and review are my property. Any and all images may not be used without my express written permission. I was in no way, shape or form compensated for this review. I am in no way affiliated with Adore.
Oooohh-- I LOVE the way the colour shows up. I can see why you're getting the tr-tones, though.
The blend'll be great with those, I'm sure. o: Hope to see the review soon.
I do love the color. I just think I need that starburst to bring it all together.
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