Reflections of Gregg
Just my little blog about something I know a little something about! Mainly contact lenses and a few other random things!
Thursday, June 11, 2015
LONG Hiatus...
Well it has been a LONG time since I have last blogged. Things have changed in my personal life, and to be honest there was not much to blog about (not that I have a huge blog following anyway lol). I will be back to posting soon. Have some reviews typed up on some lenses, and on some non-lens related items...still working on how to transfer photos from my iPhone to my MAC so I can upload them....If anyone knows how feel free to let me know! lol
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Hey there, long time no blog :/. Sorry for the long hiatus. Over the past year I've had some changes go in in my life, including a career change among them. I have been unable to blog due to sometime as a result of them. That and quite frankly I haven't really been wearing or trying nay new lenses. Well some months back I came across a brand called Desio.
Desio is a cosmetic lens made it Italy, that is not only aimed at changing the wearers eye color, but also a brand that markets their lenses towards both Women and Men. The lenses appear to be opaque printing with the blending of a semi opaque lens. I will be honest, I am a bit on the fence about these. I have stumbled across pics on their Instagram page and took a look at their site to see what they offered.
The company does offer the lenses in a wide range of corrective powers from Plano (+/- 0.00) to +5.00/-17.00. (Side note any lens from +5.00 to -6.00 is available in .35 increments at the regular price, while lenses stronger than -6.00 are available in .50 increments, although appearing to be at the same price range).
The color range is as follows:
Innocent White,Smokey Grey & Icy Blue (Grey/Blue tones)
Creamy Beige, Desert Dream, and Caramel Dream (Brown tones)
Mint Touch & Forest Green (Green tones)
The shade I ordered was Icy Blue

(Stock photo from manufacturer website)
The lens itself appears to be available in some countries around the world at optical shops, as well as stand alone shops. At this point and time they can be ordered directly from the manufacturer (Qualimed) through their website .
I am interested in trying them out an doing a review on them once I receive them. So for the mean time stay tuned :) And happy belated New Years! LOL
**Disclaimer** I am not associated with Qualimed, Desio, DesioLens,com . I have not been paid or compensated for this review/post. Nor am I being provided with the aforementioned lenses. I have purchased them with my own money and any opinions associated with them upon receiving and reviewing them are mine and mine alone.
Desio is a cosmetic lens made it Italy, that is not only aimed at changing the wearers eye color, but also a brand that markets their lenses towards both Women and Men. The lenses appear to be opaque printing with the blending of a semi opaque lens. I will be honest, I am a bit on the fence about these. I have stumbled across pics on their Instagram page and took a look at their site to see what they offered.
The company does offer the lenses in a wide range of corrective powers from Plano (+/- 0.00) to +5.00/-17.00. (Side note any lens from +5.00 to -6.00 is available in .35 increments at the regular price, while lenses stronger than -6.00 are available in .50 increments, although appearing to be at the same price range).
The color range is as follows:
Innocent White,Smokey Grey & Icy Blue (Grey/Blue tones)
Creamy Beige, Desert Dream, and Caramel Dream (Brown tones)
Mint Touch & Forest Green (Green tones)
The shade I ordered was Icy Blue

(Stock photo from manufacturer website)
The lens itself appears to be available in some countries around the world at optical shops, as well as stand alone shops. At this point and time they can be ordered directly from the manufacturer (Qualimed) through their website .
I am interested in trying them out an doing a review on them once I receive them. So for the mean time stay tuned :) And happy belated New Years! LOL
**Disclaimer** I am not associated with Qualimed, Desio, DesioLens,com . I have not been paid or compensated for this review/post. Nor am I being provided with the aforementioned lenses. I have purchased them with my own money and any opinions associated with them upon receiving and reviewing them are mine and mine alone.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Que the RANDOM email Q&A
So, while I have not had time to edit and post the pics of the lenses I've recently gotten, I have had time to go through my emails. For some reason people feel the urge to anonymously email my questions associated with the lenses I have reviewed on my blog (and lenses I haven't). I also have the repeated random questions that pop up on some of my posts so I figured I'd give em all a quick answer here in sort of a facts word vomit of sorts :/. Here goes my attempt:
This is a vague one I get often. In general I wear my FreshLook lenses (as well as pretty much every other pair I own) for 10-12 hours a day. My FreshLook lenses in particular I wear for a month/30 wears before I dispose of them. I do urge any who opt to wear them to follow their eye doctors wear and disposal schedule recommended for them. They are designed/marketed to be a 2 week daily wear disposable lens. My particular wear schedule is a monthly daily disposable cycle with this brand. (Basically I'm instructed to remove them after 10-12 hours and disinfect them overnight and replace them every month/every 30 wears). This fit is based on me as an individual so I can't say if it is best for anyone else or not.
I have been wearing colored contacts on a daily basis for 16 years.
When I first got contact lenses in general my eye doctors office was having a promotion. If you purchased Wesley Jessen lenses, the cosmetic lenses were the same cost as the regular lenses with a handling tint if you bought a year supply. My parents decided I should get the colored lenses (FreshLook Colors at the time) because I would be getting a "better" lens for the same price.
When I started wearing lenses I got 3 boxes of blue (FreshLook Colors Blue) and 1 box of green (FreshLook Colors Green). I didn't have a particular preference, but when people noticed I wasn't wearing glasses and got contacts they seemed to "realize" how "blue" my eyes actually were. Most people didn't wear contacts back then, and colored contacts weren't widely available so I went with it. It has since become my go to color. That and I REALLY like the color blue...LOL
This really depends on the lenses. With my circle lenses it really depends on what they're going for online at the time. As for my regular lenses from my eye doctors office, I usually go with FreshLook because after insurance they cost me $20 USD give or take after my insurance.
I occasionally purchase a pair of lenses I come across if the pattern or color intrigues me. That aside I don't really do that often because I require prescription lenses. In the past I would but it's just not cost effective to constantly purchase lenses to review that are of no use to me beyond that.
I wear circle lenses on occasion because sometimes I want to step away from my normal look. Could you go blind? Yes it's a possibility...However, you could go blind from wearing standard contact lenses that offer no cosmetic change as well. While cosmetic lenses are designed to meet a superficial need, at the end of the day they are still a medical device. Like any other they should be used responsibly. Ensure you clean your lenses properly, you handle them properly, inspect them for any defects, and maintain a realistic wearing schedule.
You can just buy a pair in a local store. Just like eye doctors offices and online sellers the selection and choices available will vary based on what is available to them. Again I urge you to wear them responsibly if doing so. They can be a great, fun way to subtly change your looks without doing anything drastic or having any long term commitment. I do also urge you to have a proper eye exam and fitting. Even if you choose not to purchase lenses from the eye doctors office, it is always good to know the current health of your eyes, and what lenses you should avoid.
I'm throwing both of these in one. Yes, clearly men can wear colored contacts. While they are labeled as "cosmetic" they are NOT gender specific. Sure maybe a guy wouldn't feel comfortable wearing certain types of colored contacts, but because they're a guy doesn't mean they can't. Many do, most just aren't open about it.
If a guy is a gay male he is a gay male. Colored contacts have nothing to do with, nor are they an indicator of any individuals gender identity or sexual orientation. RELAX they're just contacts. If you wanna wear them, wear them. If you don't, don't. Just don't let what other people think of you shape your stance on the matter. As for me, no fucks are given. If they have an opinion on you wearing them if you're a guy, feel free to pull out your monthly bills and ask them which one they would like to pay.
No. While in theory you can put them on, you shouldn't. Everyone's eyes are unique. This includes fluid such as tears and any other secretions their eyes produce. Contact lenses, even if cosmetic are medical devices that come into direct contact with an organ. They're not a t-shirt or a pair of shoes. If you wanna try em you gotta buy em.
To be blunt, I don't have dark brown eyes. I have brown eyes, but they are light brown. Closer to an amber/honey shade to be exact. The same way I can't use how a pair of contacts looks on someone with blue eyes, or green eyes,or grey eyes, or hazel eyes, you can't use how a contact looks on my eyes as an exact indicator of the result you will achieve. For the same reason there are lenses that look fantastic on dark brown eyes (such as the various brown/chocolatey circle lenses) that look down right alienish on my eyes. They're not the same. While I can write a review based on my experience and post pictures to give an idea about them, I can't, nor do I want to make my eyes dark brown so you know exactly how they will look on you.
Can you give me the money for them or send me a pair? If so than yes, if not than no. I don't mind doing reviews on lenses I have in my possesion already, or lenses I have recently purchased. That being stated I am not a blogger or youtube vlogger who has companies offering to sponser them lenses in exchange for a review. (Not saying I would turn it down LOL). As my reviews specify, all of the lenses are purchased with my own money. I don't have a sponsership nor am I gifted lenses from distributers or manufacturers. While I would LOVE to review MANY lenses I come across all the time, I have bills to pay. Since blogger ain't paying them and since I'm not being sponsered them you'll just have to check in and see if the lens you've been debating ends up as a future purchase of mine.
People still wear these? LOL J/K! I actually DO have a few pairs of Solotica lenses. Specifically NC Verde Marine, and Hidrocor in Ice and Ocre. That being said I may just do a review on them, but I have avoided doinng so for so long because, well.....I try to be a positive person ;)
I can do some lens reviews of commonly available lenses most eye doctors carry. I have Acuvue 2 Colors and Expressions Colors in various shades. I plan on having some reviews of those up soon.
New lenses come out ALL the time as far as circle lenses are concerned. As for your commercial lenses that are aimed at creating a more "realistic" result, most of those companies are stagnant in their designs and options. There are a few new brands such as Desio I've been eyeing for sometime, but I have alot of lenses now, and as I said before, my lenses aren't sponsered so it may be some time before I get a pair of those to test out.
That's the just of it for now. Any other questions? While you can shoot me an email you'll find I'll get a chance to reply much easier if you ask it here!
Have a great day everyone!
This is a vague one I get often. In general I wear my FreshLook lenses (as well as pretty much every other pair I own) for 10-12 hours a day. My FreshLook lenses in particular I wear for a month/30 wears before I dispose of them. I do urge any who opt to wear them to follow their eye doctors wear and disposal schedule recommended for them. They are designed/marketed to be a 2 week daily wear disposable lens. My particular wear schedule is a monthly daily disposable cycle with this brand. (Basically I'm instructed to remove them after 10-12 hours and disinfect them overnight and replace them every month/every 30 wears). This fit is based on me as an individual so I can't say if it is best for anyone else or not.
I have been wearing colored contacts on a daily basis for 16 years.
When I first got contact lenses in general my eye doctors office was having a promotion. If you purchased Wesley Jessen lenses, the cosmetic lenses were the same cost as the regular lenses with a handling tint if you bought a year supply. My parents decided I should get the colored lenses (FreshLook Colors at the time) because I would be getting a "better" lens for the same price.
When I started wearing lenses I got 3 boxes of blue (FreshLook Colors Blue) and 1 box of green (FreshLook Colors Green). I didn't have a particular preference, but when people noticed I wasn't wearing glasses and got contacts they seemed to "realize" how "blue" my eyes actually were. Most people didn't wear contacts back then, and colored contacts weren't widely available so I went with it. It has since become my go to color. That and I REALLY like the color blue...LOL
This really depends on the lenses. With my circle lenses it really depends on what they're going for online at the time. As for my regular lenses from my eye doctors office, I usually go with FreshLook because after insurance they cost me $20 USD give or take after my insurance.
I occasionally purchase a pair of lenses I come across if the pattern or color intrigues me. That aside I don't really do that often because I require prescription lenses. In the past I would but it's just not cost effective to constantly purchase lenses to review that are of no use to me beyond that.
I wear circle lenses on occasion because sometimes I want to step away from my normal look. Could you go blind? Yes it's a possibility...However, you could go blind from wearing standard contact lenses that offer no cosmetic change as well. While cosmetic lenses are designed to meet a superficial need, at the end of the day they are still a medical device. Like any other they should be used responsibly. Ensure you clean your lenses properly, you handle them properly, inspect them for any defects, and maintain a realistic wearing schedule.
You can just buy a pair in a local store. Just like eye doctors offices and online sellers the selection and choices available will vary based on what is available to them. Again I urge you to wear them responsibly if doing so. They can be a great, fun way to subtly change your looks without doing anything drastic or having any long term commitment. I do also urge you to have a proper eye exam and fitting. Even if you choose not to purchase lenses from the eye doctors office, it is always good to know the current health of your eyes, and what lenses you should avoid.
I'm throwing both of these in one. Yes, clearly men can wear colored contacts. While they are labeled as "cosmetic" they are NOT gender specific. Sure maybe a guy wouldn't feel comfortable wearing certain types of colored contacts, but because they're a guy doesn't mean they can't. Many do, most just aren't open about it.
If a guy is a gay male he is a gay male. Colored contacts have nothing to do with, nor are they an indicator of any individuals gender identity or sexual orientation. RELAX they're just contacts. If you wanna wear them, wear them. If you don't, don't. Just don't let what other people think of you shape your stance on the matter. As for me, no fucks are given. If they have an opinion on you wearing them if you're a guy, feel free to pull out your monthly bills and ask them which one they would like to pay.
No. While in theory you can put them on, you shouldn't. Everyone's eyes are unique. This includes fluid such as tears and any other secretions their eyes produce. Contact lenses, even if cosmetic are medical devices that come into direct contact with an organ. They're not a t-shirt or a pair of shoes. If you wanna try em you gotta buy em.
To be blunt, I don't have dark brown eyes. I have brown eyes, but they are light brown. Closer to an amber/honey shade to be exact. The same way I can't use how a pair of contacts looks on someone with blue eyes, or green eyes,or grey eyes, or hazel eyes, you can't use how a contact looks on my eyes as an exact indicator of the result you will achieve. For the same reason there are lenses that look fantastic on dark brown eyes (such as the various brown/chocolatey circle lenses) that look down right alienish on my eyes. They're not the same. While I can write a review based on my experience and post pictures to give an idea about them, I can't, nor do I want to make my eyes dark brown so you know exactly how they will look on you.
Can you give me the money for them or send me a pair? If so than yes, if not than no. I don't mind doing reviews on lenses I have in my possesion already, or lenses I have recently purchased. That being stated I am not a blogger or youtube vlogger who has companies offering to sponser them lenses in exchange for a review. (Not saying I would turn it down LOL). As my reviews specify, all of the lenses are purchased with my own money. I don't have a sponsership nor am I gifted lenses from distributers or manufacturers. While I would LOVE to review MANY lenses I come across all the time, I have bills to pay. Since blogger ain't paying them and since I'm not being sponsered them you'll just have to check in and see if the lens you've been debating ends up as a future purchase of mine.
People still wear these? LOL J/K! I actually DO have a few pairs of Solotica lenses. Specifically NC Verde Marine, and Hidrocor in Ice and Ocre. That being said I may just do a review on them, but I have avoided doinng so for so long because, well.....I try to be a positive person ;)
I can do some lens reviews of commonly available lenses most eye doctors carry. I have Acuvue 2 Colors and Expressions Colors in various shades. I plan on having some reviews of those up soon.
New lenses come out ALL the time as far as circle lenses are concerned. As for your commercial lenses that are aimed at creating a more "realistic" result, most of those companies are stagnant in their designs and options. There are a few new brands such as Desio I've been eyeing for sometime, but I have alot of lenses now, and as I said before, my lenses aren't sponsered so it may be some time before I get a pair of those to test out.
That's the just of it for now. Any other questions? While you can shoot me an email you'll find I'll get a chance to reply much easier if you ask it here!
Have a great day everyone!
Thursday, May 30, 2013
WHOA!!! Where has the time gone??
Hello out there blog readers! LOL (I say that as though there are thousands of you following me :/) I'm so sorry for the lack of updates :( I have been responding to comments as they have come. Haven't had a chance to actually write up a full review and post up pictures lately...(By lately I mean almost a year) Part of the reasoning is, I haven't really been wearing any new lenses as of late. The other reason is I can't find my camera cord....LOL Yes as random as that sounds I can't find it! I've been doing some renovations to my house over the last year, and during that time frame I seem to have misplaced it...I probably would have gotten a new cord sooner, however I rarely used my camera to begin with :/ Aside from taking pics for my blog I generally use my iPhone to take actual pics when I want/need to...LOL....I have gotten a few new pairs of lenses recently that I've been wanting to review, but until I can find the cord I won't bother writing up reviews anytime soon. (What's the point of a review w/out pics right?! LOL)....That being said while I'll continue to answer your guys' questions I won't have any new reviews anytime soon...(Unless someone knows of a way to post pictures on blogger via an iPhone 4s or iOS 6 aside from emailing them to myself and saving and uploading). Hope all is well in the universe...and remember....THE DOCTOR ALWAYS LIES (LOL Sorry, felt an urge to put that in there)
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Any recommendations??
Hey there, hope everyone is having a wonderful evening. Been crazy busy and while I've been checking up on a few blogs here and there I haven't posted anything in a long time. Part of which is simply because I haven't been wearing nay new lenses as of late. That aside I have been really into my Kindle Fire lately..I know most folks seem to be reading on their Nooks or iPads but since I have neither I do use my Kindle. I love the portability of my ereader as well as it's web related functionality as well. It's small but not so small I feel I would break it like my old e-reader, light weight and easy for me to transport. Also great for the commute to and from work. I have been itching for some new reads lately? Simply wondering if anyone has any suggestions? Any good reads others have been enjoying out there? Have a great one out there!
Friday, May 11, 2012
Happy Friday!!
Hope everyone is having a great time! Enjoying my first full weekend off in 3 months. Re uploading some pics after my laptop decided to have a nervous breakdown (Probably exhaustion or something like that :p). Look forward to posting again very soon (I feel like I always say that!) Recently I have made a decision I have been contemplating for awhile now...I have decided to quit smoking :( It's for the best! So here's to that being successful! Enjoy your weekend everyone! And a Happy Early Mothers Day to those who it applies to out there! And to those who it doesn't..It's only Friday you still got plenty of time to go grab Mom something nice ;)
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Phone Review: iPhone 3GS Unlocked (Apple Direct) on T-Mobile USA
Sorry I have not updated in a bit. Had some personal stuff w/friends & family go on lately that just kinda had me down and not in the mood to blog or anything of that nature.
I'm back with a different kind of review.
As the title says it's a phone. Yes it's not the newest iPhone model and that is for a reason. I didn't want to purchase an iPhone and have to unlock it/pay to unlock it myself, or have it jail broken, I have wanted one for some time. To be honest I have waited this long to get one because of my carrier....I have used T-Mobile USA since it was under Voicestream wireless where I live and my sidek!ck didn't have a colored screen (yes THAT long).. I get pretty much the same quality service as Verizon,Sprint, and AT&T customers do coverage wise, and sometimes better with T-Mobile so I didn't want to switch...That and I'd ahve to pay to switch 3 lines...That is neither here nor there so let's jump into the review :)
Quick Pic:

As the title specifies I have the iPhone 3GS 8GB in Black.
I do love it thus far. For me personally I love many Apple products...and yes unfortunatly I am one of those people who tends to turn around and upgrade it everytime Apple "improves" it.....
As far as functionality goes it's great! There wasn't much to get used to as I've always had an iPod touch as my mp3 player, and used them all the time. The battery life is decent. I can go a whole day without charging it until I get home. The sound during calls is clear. Actually the clearest of any phone I've had to date to be honest. I also like the resolution of the screen (tbh though I do think imho even the 3rd generation iPod Touch had a better screen resolution reguardless of specs). I also like the ease of the itunes store and the app market. It has simplified my life as I no longer have to bring my iPod AND my phone...They're the same device. (Personallly reguardless of what phone I've previously had, if it had an mp3 player, it was not the best...and I won't even go into the video player....)
This feels like a ramble so I'll go into some like's and dislikes of it:
Ease of use>If you have an iPod Touch or have had one in the past, you'll be able to use it out the box.
Background Applications:Unlike many phones you don't have to go back to the home screen or jump menu,, you can click the navigation button and your most recently used apps show up at the bottom so you can easily go from one application to another.
Lock Screen:The lock screen is great. Even with your phone locked you can navigate through your music you're currently playing. You can also select your camera from your lock screen. Thsi is great if you want/need to take a picture quickly. You don't have to unlock your phone, go to the home screen/sort through screens/menus, locate your camera and wait for it to load. Just click your home screen while your phone is locked, and select the camera.
Navigation Bar: This is imho similar to the notification bar on most/all android phones. However it is a little different. At the top it does display the weather(in a week view and current). It also gives you the option to clear certain notifications. You can remove 1,2, or a few and keep others, versus deleting them all at once.
Messages: I LOVE the messaging on the iPhone. Personally I like the keypad layout. I have big hands and I find on a touch screen the spacing of the letters is perfect for me. I also like the fact that it DOESN'T have swipe.....Nothing more annoying than trying to type on a screen and it starts creating words for you. Another great feature is the fact that even when the screen is locked, if you have a message (or facebook update, etc.) you can slide across the screen while the phone is locked, and it will open up to the message. Very convenient.
Freezing/Locking Up: A great thing is I haven't experienced any freezing/locking up of this phone. With my 3 previous phones (My Touch 3G, Samsung Galaxy S 3G, Samsung Sidekick 4G) ALL of them REPEATEDLY froze. At least once a day I would have to manually remove my battery and restart my phone. That is a huge inconvenience I have YET to experience with my iPhone 3GS.
Wireless Syncing: I LOVE the fact that as long as itunes is open on my laptop my iPhone will sync. It's so much easier than grabbing a usb cord, hooking my phone up to my laptop, mounting my phone, opening the memory card/phone, and manually adding, removing, and switching/saving things around.
Screen: When I say screen I don't mean the resolution of the screen, rather, the movement. I will say 1 thing Android phones have is the layout. The icon's aren't as easy to move around on the phone itself. (You can move them around when your phone is synced with itunes, but that can be bothersome). This may seem trivial but I also don't like the fact that the wallpaper is so...stationary. On Android phones when you change screens, you see more of the wallpaper. This is particularly good when you've taken a picture in portrait. As you change screens you can see more of the wallpaper.
Voice: The Voice function is a good idea, but imho it doesn't work as good as Google Talk on the Android. I am a fast talker and have a nasalated accent, so OFTEN it completly mis interprets what I say. **This IS biased as it's functionality is complelty dependant on how well you enunciate (sp??) and clearly speak your words, and may work well for most others**
Material/Finish: I will be honest, I have NO IDEA what this phone is made of. It looks sleek and shiny. That being stated I don't like the feel of the finish. It is very smooth and I feel that without a protective case it could be very easily damaged/scratched.
Ambiant Sensor:I do feel that the ambiant sensor is not as good as it could be. I often use my bluetooth and reguardless of what settings I use, after a quick moment my screen goes completly black. While using the phone in a standard handset fashion that's fine. If it's not near my face it's for a reason and should remain lit. While I'm sure it serves some purpose such as battery preservation it's a setting I wish could be changed, or easily adjusted by the user.
MMS: While I can SEND mms messages to ANY phone, I seem to only be able to receive mms messages from other iPhones. Even this is a hit/miss.
RINGDROID: While the APP market offers many great apps/games/etc for free, reguardless of what I have tried (Free and Paid) I can't seem to find an app that allows me to use a song in my library and make it a ringtone/notification tone. Android phones do have a leg up on that as not only is it an option, it seems to come standard on EVERY Android phone nowadays reguardless of the wireless carrier, and the manufacturer of the phone. RINGDROID I will miss you dearly :(
There is a hit and miss with me on this and that is the WEB functionality. While I did purchase it unlocked from Apple I can use it fine with no need to tweak or maniuplate the phones hardware/firmware/os simply by inserting my sim card it is disappointing that it only works on my carriers EDGE frequency. that being said, on the rare occasion it's on EDGE I personally don't notice a drastic difference in speed/download when comparing it to friends/co workers of mine who have iPhones on other networks and get 3G service. TBH I have wifi at my house, and my job. Most places have it no adays, and even public transportation where I live has it. While it would be nice it's not a deal breaker for me.
Overall I am satisfied with the phone. I enjoy using it and am glad I purchased it. If I had one complaint with Apple it would be the price. Yes I did buy it unlocked directly from Apple because my carrier doesn't sell/distribute/carry the phone at this time. Let's be realistic though, while it is an iPhone, it's not the newest or most current. There have been 2 iPhones since it's release, and it costs $375.00 BEFORE taxes and shipping. (They do ship for free standard due to the cost of the iPhone, but I personally paid $10.00 extra for 2 day express shipping). I also don't like the fact that simply because it's unlocked and not manufactured for any specific carrier I couldn't get it locally. While they iPhones they sell through Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T are available at MANY Apple retail stores, any unlocked/non carrier specific iPhones reguardless of make/model are ONLY available for purchase directly through the Apple website. If you don't mind the cost and are looking for a more cost effective version of the iPhone, or are a T-Mobile USA customer I do highly recommend it.
Hopefully this ramble of a review will be of help to some of you guys out there! I'm gonna finish updating my itunes and finish my Taco Bell. It's early as hell in the morning here and I have to be up for work in less than an hour!
(And if anyone has the iPhone 4S would you recommend it? I am debating getting one in white later in the spring with a higher GB capacity but want to know if it's significatnly better than the 3GS or the 4 for that matter)
I am not affiliated with Apple inc, or any of it's subsidiaries. This blog post is in no way sponsored or compensated by Apple inc. I am in no way affiliated with Apple in any shape or form. All products mentioned in this review are purchased with my money. All thoughts, opinions, and views in this blog post are mine and mine alone. Any and all images in this post are my sole property.
I'm back with a different kind of review.
As the title says it's a phone. Yes it's not the newest iPhone model and that is for a reason. I didn't want to purchase an iPhone and have to unlock it/pay to unlock it myself, or have it jail broken, I have wanted one for some time. To be honest I have waited this long to get one because of my carrier....I have used T-Mobile USA since it was under Voicestream wireless where I live and my sidek!ck didn't have a colored screen (yes THAT long).. I get pretty much the same quality service as Verizon,Sprint, and AT&T customers do coverage wise, and sometimes better with T-Mobile so I didn't want to switch...That and I'd ahve to pay to switch 3 lines...That is neither here nor there so let's jump into the review :)
Quick Pic:

As the title specifies I have the iPhone 3GS 8GB in Black.
I do love it thus far. For me personally I love many Apple products...and yes unfortunatly I am one of those people who tends to turn around and upgrade it everytime Apple "improves" it.....
As far as functionality goes it's great! There wasn't much to get used to as I've always had an iPod touch as my mp3 player, and used them all the time. The battery life is decent. I can go a whole day without charging it until I get home. The sound during calls is clear. Actually the clearest of any phone I've had to date to be honest. I also like the resolution of the screen (tbh though I do think imho even the 3rd generation iPod Touch had a better screen resolution reguardless of specs). I also like the ease of the itunes store and the app market. It has simplified my life as I no longer have to bring my iPod AND my phone...They're the same device. (Personallly reguardless of what phone I've previously had, if it had an mp3 player, it was not the best...and I won't even go into the video player....)
This feels like a ramble so I'll go into some like's and dislikes of it:
Ease of use>If you have an iPod Touch or have had one in the past, you'll be able to use it out the box.
Background Applications:Unlike many phones you don't have to go back to the home screen or jump menu,, you can click the navigation button and your most recently used apps show up at the bottom so you can easily go from one application to another.
Lock Screen:The lock screen is great. Even with your phone locked you can navigate through your music you're currently playing. You can also select your camera from your lock screen. Thsi is great if you want/need to take a picture quickly. You don't have to unlock your phone, go to the home screen/sort through screens/menus, locate your camera and wait for it to load. Just click your home screen while your phone is locked, and select the camera.
Navigation Bar: This is imho similar to the notification bar on most/all android phones. However it is a little different. At the top it does display the weather(in a week view and current). It also gives you the option to clear certain notifications. You can remove 1,2, or a few and keep others, versus deleting them all at once.
Messages: I LOVE the messaging on the iPhone. Personally I like the keypad layout. I have big hands and I find on a touch screen the spacing of the letters is perfect for me. I also like the fact that it DOESN'T have swipe.....Nothing more annoying than trying to type on a screen and it starts creating words for you. Another great feature is the fact that even when the screen is locked, if you have a message (or facebook update, etc.) you can slide across the screen while the phone is locked, and it will open up to the message. Very convenient.
Freezing/Locking Up: A great thing is I haven't experienced any freezing/locking up of this phone. With my 3 previous phones (My Touch 3G, Samsung Galaxy S 3G, Samsung Sidekick 4G) ALL of them REPEATEDLY froze. At least once a day I would have to manually remove my battery and restart my phone. That is a huge inconvenience I have YET to experience with my iPhone 3GS.
Wireless Syncing: I LOVE the fact that as long as itunes is open on my laptop my iPhone will sync. It's so much easier than grabbing a usb cord, hooking my phone up to my laptop, mounting my phone, opening the memory card/phone, and manually adding, removing, and switching/saving things around.
Screen: When I say screen I don't mean the resolution of the screen, rather, the movement. I will say 1 thing Android phones have is the layout. The icon's aren't as easy to move around on the phone itself. (You can move them around when your phone is synced with itunes, but that can be bothersome). This may seem trivial but I also don't like the fact that the wallpaper is so...stationary. On Android phones when you change screens, you see more of the wallpaper. This is particularly good when you've taken a picture in portrait. As you change screens you can see more of the wallpaper.
Voice: The Voice function is a good idea, but imho it doesn't work as good as Google Talk on the Android. I am a fast talker and have a nasalated accent, so OFTEN it completly mis interprets what I say. **This IS biased as it's functionality is complelty dependant on how well you enunciate (sp??) and clearly speak your words, and may work well for most others**
Material/Finish: I will be honest, I have NO IDEA what this phone is made of. It looks sleek and shiny. That being stated I don't like the feel of the finish. It is very smooth and I feel that without a protective case it could be very easily damaged/scratched.
Ambiant Sensor:I do feel that the ambiant sensor is not as good as it could be. I often use my bluetooth and reguardless of what settings I use, after a quick moment my screen goes completly black. While using the phone in a standard handset fashion that's fine. If it's not near my face it's for a reason and should remain lit. While I'm sure it serves some purpose such as battery preservation it's a setting I wish could be changed, or easily adjusted by the user.
MMS: While I can SEND mms messages to ANY phone, I seem to only be able to receive mms messages from other iPhones. Even this is a hit/miss.
RINGDROID: While the APP market offers many great apps/games/etc for free, reguardless of what I have tried (Free and Paid) I can't seem to find an app that allows me to use a song in my library and make it a ringtone/notification tone. Android phones do have a leg up on that as not only is it an option, it seems to come standard on EVERY Android phone nowadays reguardless of the wireless carrier, and the manufacturer of the phone. RINGDROID I will miss you dearly :(
There is a hit and miss with me on this and that is the WEB functionality. While I did purchase it unlocked from Apple I can use it fine with no need to tweak or maniuplate the phones hardware/firmware/os simply by inserting my sim card it is disappointing that it only works on my carriers EDGE frequency. that being said, on the rare occasion it's on EDGE I personally don't notice a drastic difference in speed/download when comparing it to friends/co workers of mine who have iPhones on other networks and get 3G service. TBH I have wifi at my house, and my job. Most places have it no adays, and even public transportation where I live has it. While it would be nice it's not a deal breaker for me.
Overall I am satisfied with the phone. I enjoy using it and am glad I purchased it. If I had one complaint with Apple it would be the price. Yes I did buy it unlocked directly from Apple because my carrier doesn't sell/distribute/carry the phone at this time. Let's be realistic though, while it is an iPhone, it's not the newest or most current. There have been 2 iPhones since it's release, and it costs $375.00 BEFORE taxes and shipping. (They do ship for free standard due to the cost of the iPhone, but I personally paid $10.00 extra for 2 day express shipping). I also don't like the fact that simply because it's unlocked and not manufactured for any specific carrier I couldn't get it locally. While they iPhones they sell through Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T are available at MANY Apple retail stores, any unlocked/non carrier specific iPhones reguardless of make/model are ONLY available for purchase directly through the Apple website. If you don't mind the cost and are looking for a more cost effective version of the iPhone, or are a T-Mobile USA customer I do highly recommend it.
Hopefully this ramble of a review will be of help to some of you guys out there! I'm gonna finish updating my itunes and finish my Taco Bell. It's early as hell in the morning here and I have to be up for work in less than an hour!
(And if anyone has the iPhone 4S would you recommend it? I am debating getting one in white later in the spring with a higher GB capacity but want to know if it's significatnly better than the 3GS or the 4 for that matter)
I am not affiliated with Apple inc, or any of it's subsidiaries. This blog post is in no way sponsored or compensated by Apple inc. I am in no way affiliated with Apple in any shape or form. All products mentioned in this review are purchased with my money. All thoughts, opinions, and views in this blog post are mine and mine alone. Any and all images in this post are my sole property.
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