The lenses I purchased were the EOS Adult lenses in Brown and Green as I mentioned in my previous blog. The lenses cost $25.00 USD per pair and shipping runs $4.50 for the first pair of lenses and $1.50 for each pair after. She accepts PayPal, Money Orders and concealed cash in USD. She has various lens collections from various lens companies (GEO, G&G, Dueba, Seeshell, EOS, NEO, etc.) and sells items besides circle lenses.
The lenses in their package (very secure)

And yes. That is a Hello Kitty lens case set you see included. And it was FREE!! Gotta love freebies in this recession we have!
EOS Adult Brown Promo Pic

EOS Adult Brown

EOS Adult Green Promo Pic

EOS Adult Green

I love both of them! Their color names def. lead me to believe EOS has some imaginative interpretations of what a color actually is. I am thankful for that. The browns blend very nicely in person and look wonderful with my natural eye color. They cool down the intense orange and yellow tones of my eyes. The green were a wonderful surprise. I hate green eyes personally but will still try green lenses. As the old saying goes "Don't knock it till you try it". Well I tried thema dn I LOVE them! They are more of an aqua/seafoam shade of blue rather than green! I am still tempted to try the Adult Grey after seeing Jens pics on her blog ( They are super comfortable and vibrant and gorgeous in natural sunlight. Had it not been raining as much where I live I would have posted natual light pics.
I also decided to take some pics of my GEO Nudy Blues while I took pics of these. I baught them from a seller sometime back for a reasonable price but they had plano so I don't really wear them as I need rx lenses.
GEO Nudy Blue

I do love the teary eyed effect they have in person. I wish my camera could capture that. Instead my macro setting captured the speckly pattern. I do like them but personally I find Calaview Sky Blue to be more vibrant and noticable. They are very nice and comfortable though. They are available on the same site I purchased my Adult lenses from for $20.00 USD per pair.
I have purchased circle lenses from a few sellers over the past 2 years. I either got sent the wrong lenses in the right rx, the right lenses in plano, or got charged 1 price to have them drop it in half after I placed my order. Waited a month for my lenses, and had issues gettign a response when I had a customer service problem. Ordering from here was a breeze. It was quick and simple, I got my lenses quick and secure! They were actually bubble wrapped, not wrapped in a magazine like all the other sellers I previously purchased lenses from had. (And the picture doesn't really show it but they were also shipped with the box full of those packing peanuts!). I also got my lenses super quick as the site ships out of the U.S. I highly recommend them to anyone interested in them. Any questions or requests? Just ask! I have a few other circle lenses and various other cosmetic lenses I plan on reviewing in the future and wouldn't mind looking into special lens requests!
How long did it take the lenses to get to you after you ordered?
It took about 1 1/2 weeks. My lenses weren't available in ready stock because I needed perscription lenses. Once the lenses arrived they were shipped out via priority mail and I received them within 3 days. Honestly the quickest I've ever received lenses from a seller.
Thanks for sharing's I love the greens on you..I'm wondering how they'll look on me..they're so pretty and light..but I just put in an order for a bunch of t-top lenses! woo!
Ohh. that sounds interesting! Can't wait to see! I tthink you should try them.
Ursh!I'd love to try the greens but it'd totally look weird as I'm asian.I think I'll just play safe and go with brown and grey(Jolla to Frmheadtotoe!)
A couple of my friends ordered their geo lenses online.It looks artifial,it somehow make your pupils appear bigger than their usual sizes,which I'm not keen to.
What do you think about the Geo and Adult lenses?WHich is better in terms of comfortable level,colour and versatility.
Sucha long long comment,I'm a newbie in lenses, me here aight buddy=)
For me personally they are very comfortable. I've not really worn any that were uncomfortable except for maybe the Honey Wing lenses.TBH Those aren't even uncomfortable. I can just feel them every now and then. Some circle lenses are natural, some aren't. As with all lenses it really depends on how the lens works with the wearers features overall. I say go for the Adult lenses as they look more solid but blend well. I think you could pull off the blue or green if you choose. Being Asian isn't a con. Particularly since circle lenses are pretty much an item you based in the Asian market. I can only think of 3 American brands that create as much of an intended enlarging effect as all the various circle lenses do. As for comparing them to GEO TBH I'm not familiar with circle lens brands as other bloggers are. I pretty much only know what I've seen on others or tried. Many do have large pupil holes. Being based in the Asian market most are intended for individuals with dark brown eyes. If anything when you have eyes similar to my shade, or eye colors such as hazel, green, blue, grey, etc. it becomes an issue. I think you should try them. I would recommend the Brown as it's one I've tried and I think would work well on anyone with the exception of someone with stricly green, blue or grey eyes. And Jen def. has me coveting her Adult Greys! They are next on my list for sure.
The brown ones look nice on you, the blue ones are a bit freaky. Just my opinion I guess =) But they really do make a difference in the size and color of your eyes. I didn't think they would be that effective. Thanks for the very informative post!~~ Jess xoxo
You are most welcome! Personally while I like the browns, blue in any lens will always be my favorite. To each there own! I say give tem a try! Everyone should have big,exotic eyes!
i have a question, how long can i keep the circle lenses in the case with out chanching the solution? how often do i have to change the solution if i dont wear then often?
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