I recently embarked on a trip to New Jersey with a couple of my friends. Amongst some great tax free shopping we grabbed up some lenses. They are from a brand called Rainbow Complete NEW YORK.The brand is owned by parent company Fine&Clear and the lenses are manufactured in Korea by a company called THEG INC. (Never heard of them prior). The brand has 7 different styles of lenses each with their own varying colors and patterns. Naturals which is a line of 1 Tone lenses. Illusions which is a line of 2 Tone lenses. Mistys which is a 3 Tone line. Blendys which is also a 3 Tone Line. Smokeys which is 1 Tone. Cocktails which is 2 Tone, and Krazys which is their special effects line. They were purchased at a beauty supply in Jersey City somwehere between 48th and 59th street. Can't remember the exact location. They were pretty much $30.00 everywhere and most of the BSS had the entire collection or a majority of them. I have seen some of the other lenses on my friends since and I plan on purchasing a few more at the end of the summer when we go back. I purchased a lens from the Mistys line. The shade is Caribbean. While it's supposed to be a 3 Toned lens it imho is more of a 2 Toned lens. In the package/lens case they do favor a brand called Expressions by Coopervision. On the eye in talking distance though they favor Natural Touch by Coopervision and Elegance by Ciba Vision. Here are some pics of the lenses. I do apologize as they were taken after having a shower and washing my face with a new brand upon arriving home from the tanning salon.
Lenses in the case:

Close up shots of the lenses on the eyes:

Full face shots:

Overall I like them. They're comfortable, cheap and create a dramatic yet decent effect. I don't like the fact that like many other lenses that appear great (Pacifica comes to mind) they only seem to come in plano. Another downside is I've done quite some researching on these lenses since I've purchased them and even on their homepage http://fineandclear.com I can't seem tot ell if they are available in corrective parameters or not. If anyone can find these lenses online,a nd even better in corrective powers please let me know. So wht do you think? Are there some other lenses in their line that intrigue you and you'd like to try or see on someone? LEt me know in the comment box.
omg!!! today i purchased new contacts from New York Complete Rainbow..and guess what? they are carribean too! exacftly the same as yours! and well i while i love them, i had tried freshlook contacts and i think they looked wayy more natural than these..i think the lines make them look artificial..but well for now i will stay them..they are very confortable. How long have yours lasted?
I'm glad you love them! I do think FreshLook tend to be a bit more natural than these just because their dot matrix pattern des allow for slightly better blending. I can't say for certainty how long these last. I presume 30 to 90 days minimum with everyday wear simply because they're disposable. Mine have held up however it's becuase they're plano and I require corrective powers so they haven't been worn really since taking the photos for the review.
Great review! Btw, You're actually the only review I found online for these Rainbow Complete contact lenses. I also never heard of them before. I even went to their website also, but no luck since they dont sell them there. I might do a review myself, but on the blendys, misty grey. I'll probaby post your blog link on my post so people can read your experience and see the color you bought :)
I'm glad you were able to find my review of these. Hopefully it was helpful. I have occasionally seen them for sale on ioffer.com I believe. I've mainly seen them in beauty supply stores in New Jersey and New York though. Hope you do a review on yours as I've been interested in their other lenses but haven't seen much of them.
they actually say on the box mine came in that they have diffrent kinds like illusion , smmokey, , krazys and ect. and i have emralad. and do they form to your eyes i just put mine in but they keep slipping down
These have a median base curve. It's pretty standard but if you require a smaller one slippage can occur. PPersonally I find they slid alot when I wore them. After they dried some on the eyes they did center better. While most lenses don't conform to a wearers eyes I can't say for sure if these are one of the few lines that will or not. I require corrective powers in my lenses, and since these are plano (non perscription) I rarely wore them.
Hi Gregg!I love theese lenses!They are very similar to NT baby blue...please can you help me to find them?I live in Italy and i don't know where can i buy theese lenses!!Thank you
Occasionally websites like ioffer carry them.
Hi Gregg,
Glad to see that you liked the contacts, if you would like to know where in your area these contacts are available in Prescription Lenses just shoot me over an email at rohan@fineandclear.com and I can tell you a doctor nearby. Also I will send over a list of which of our contacts are available in prescription since not our whole line is currently available in prescription.
Rohan Paul
Mine are Plano. Has anyone noticed any symptoms like blurred vision headaches ?
where can i buy a pair?
Anonymous: Not since I first started wearing lenses many years ago. It could be a sign of many things from ill fit, to protein build up, to your pupils dialating and the starburst of the lens obstructing your vision.
loudita071608: You can try some sites such as ioffer.com, although if you're near any beauty supply stores in the NYC/Philly/New Jersey area I would suggest trying them out first. They'll run you around the same price as ioffer if you get ahold of them, but you'll save the shipping costs and won't have to wait for delivery.
So i just bought them and was nervous to put them on because there my first contacts mine are blue(blendys) i also got te solution "natural care" and adored ths review it helped me be more calm do to the fact that i have black eyes and wanted the blue to actually show. Thank you
- Eleanor Tozzo
Athena: No problem. Glad you found it helpful in your search for a noticable blue lens ;)
Hi! My NT baby blues are about to give out on me and I'm in a desperate search for a similar replacement. This seems like a possible dupe. What do you suggest? TIA. Btw, do you have any idea why they were changed and then discontinued?
I'll answer this the best way I can in 3 parts.
1)NO these are not a good replacement and hardly a dupe for Natural Touch in ANy shade. While they are a great dupe for Coopervisions Expressions line they come NOWHERE close to the appearence of Natural Touch.
2)Coopervision changed the origional pattern of Natural Touch becuase of an issue with Ciba Vision maintaining the origional patent when they were still manufacturing their Elegance lenses.
3)According to the Coopervision rep I spoke to at the time they announced the discontinuation of the line it was due to sales. The market has so many disposable lenses in an array of colors and patterns that most consumers don't opt for the higher cost of annual lenses in their limited color range.
Ugh... My search continues then. So what lense would you recommend comes closest to the NT bb? What are your thoughts on Solotica Topazio, Soleko, or Magic Top? I really appreciate that you took time to answer so thoroughly. You, my man, are the epitome of awesomeness! ^.^
Honestly, there isn't really a lens that comes close to it on the market at this point. As far as the others you mentioned Solotica look great and very natural for the most part, my personal issue with them is lack of comfort. I really like the pattern and comfort of Solekos I just find their pupil holes to be on the larger size and many individuals find their lenses to be printed on the smaller side. Other than that they blend very well and are very comfortable. As for Magic Top/Waicon I find their colors vibrant but IMHO they're just a slightly better blended version of FreshLook Colorblends.
I'll have to get around to trying the Solotica and Soleko. I believe I read somewhere that Solotica were being "reformulated" to a more comfortable lens. You know anything about this? I have recently acquired a pair of EOS Dolly Eye grey and though up close (as with any color lenses, I find) they're not too natural per say, they look fairly decent at conversation distance. No, actually I'd go a bit farther and say they are pretty friggin' sweet! On me they lean more towards a baby blue/steel grey. If you haven't tried them yet , I recommend you give them a whirl. You know, after searching high and low for the Rainbow Caribbean contacts, I finally stumbled upon them by accident..... at a gas station in Louisiana no less! Btw, I tried the Venus amber based upon your review and even though I've always been a blue eye aficionado, I may have just found a new love. Thanks again!
As far as the Solotica change in terms of comfort, old and new they're barely wearable for me personally....I do find some of my older pairs are still wearable where as my newer pairs got tossed after trying them on. Keep in mind that's just my personal experience with them, there are plenty who find them comfortable enough to wear on a daily basis. The Rainbow Complete lenses like many other brands that are popping up seem to be found everywhere but online or in eye doctors offices! LOL. Sad story for an rx wearer like myself! I find some of the most appealing lenses lately everywhere but my eye doctors office :( I am glad you liked the Dolly Eye Grey. I have been tempted to try them, but every time I reorder I always go with the blue. Just a color preference I suppose although really they're not the most expensive lenses so I probably should shell out for a pair! And I'm glad you were able to try and enjoy the Venus Amber. I don't wear lenses clsoe to my natural color often, but I always make sure to keep those lenses in my collection! They are imho the best amber lens on the market.
Ha! Don't you know things always work out that way? I bet if you were looking for plano, all you would find are Rx. Thanks for the heads up on Solotica. Man oh man, you just saved me some major mo-nay! I was kind of on the fence about the Dolly Eye blue. You have any pics with those? Might just convince me. Then again, as you said, they aren't going to break the bank so I might as well just bite the bullet. Yes siree! Lovin' me some Venus Amber! It's like my natural color but brighter. BUT... I'm still holding on to a glimmer of hope that my beloved Natural Touch baby blues will one day waltz back into my life. :)
You and me both! If Natural Touch lenses by some miracle went back into production, I would stock up and never wear another lens again!
Bella Color Lenses you can see videos in youtube. @jolenschile
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