Natural Touch Baby Blue:

These are my everyday lens. I've been pretty much wearing this as my everyday lens for over 5 years now. It's a shame they've been discontinued.
Natural Touch Sophisticated Blue:

These are my other everyday lens. They aren't as vibrant as Baby Blue. Truth be told they're def. more natural overall. I do prefer the Baby Blue but I wear these when I still want that natural blue eyed look but don't want the attention of baby blue, electric eyes.
I would love to continue to rack up on these but I have spent a bit on as many pairs as my eye doctors office has had. If you can get ahold of these do grab a pair. Pictures can't do them justice.
DISCLAIMER: This is not a paid/sponsered blog. These lenses were purchased with my money. I was not paid, compensated or reimbursed in anyway for this blog post. All opinions are my own and all images are my property