Natural Touch Baby Blue:

These are my everyday lens. I've been pretty much wearing this as my everyday lens for over 5 years now. It's a shame they've been discontinued.
Natural Touch Sophisticated Blue:

These are my other everyday lens. They aren't as vibrant as Baby Blue. Truth be told they're def. more natural overall. I do prefer the Baby Blue but I wear these when I still want that natural blue eyed look but don't want the attention of baby blue, electric eyes.
I would love to continue to rack up on these but I have spent a bit on as many pairs as my eye doctors office has had. If you can get ahold of these do grab a pair. Pictures can't do them justice.
DISCLAIMER: This is not a paid/sponsered blog. These lenses were purchased with my money. I was not paid, compensated or reimbursed in anyway for this blog post. All opinions are my own and all images are my property
Heya. Came accross your blog from the Lensaholics forum. I like these lenses, but they're kind of fake looking for me. That little "sun" effect kinda doesn't blend in that well. They look nice in the full face shots though.
Looking forward to more lens reviews!
The natural touch baby blue's look awesome on you! I can definitely see why they're one of your favorites. :D
budugala> They can photograph very artificial. Especially when taken in macro shots with a high megapixel camera. I also personally take pictures up close to ensure full detail is shown. I take them that way so others can see their actual pattern instead of a photoshopped, smooth image often used in advertisements.
Christina Divine: Thanks! They are by far my favorite lenses. I will have to do a comparison between them and Elegance Light Blue soon. They do look similar in person based on my personal experience but the most recent version of Natural Touch looks quite different from Elegance. (Ironic since at one time they were identical).
They look very beautiful on your eyes. Oh! I miss these lenses so much. I wish they were never been discontinued..
I am very sad they were discontinued as well. Fortunatly I did grab a few pairs of both Baby Blue and Sophisticated Blue so I should be set for a few years! I do need to get around to reviewing Willow Green since I've opened my last pair of those recently as well. Just wish I had grabbed a pair of Sultry Grey up as well.
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