Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Sorry for the lack of update. It has not so much to do with time as waiting... I ordered some lenses from overseas and they just recently shipped. They're a lens I've been looking forward to trying for sometime now. I have received a few other lenses recently but am not sure if I want to review them here or not. They're just repurchases of lenses I've worn in the past. Most just regular lenses you can get from the eye doctors office. I will probably do an update on 1 pair in particular as it's by far my favorite pair of circle lenses EVER!! Well my laptop is about to die and I have to get up in 5 hours for work. Sorry for the blaaaaah update...


♥ Noxin ♥ said...

Meh-- it's all good. Waiting for lenses can be a beetch. @_@

And I'm sure nobody would mind reviews of those easy-to-find lenses. ;P

Gregg said...

I'm trying to get them cropped, marked and uploaded as quick as I can! Got some replaccement lenses I haven't reviewed on here as of yet that I will hopefully have reviews up of some by this weekend.