Just my little blog about something I know a little something about! Mainly contact lenses and a few other random things!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Just wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and wonderful holiday with their family and friends!
Monday, December 20, 2010
Busy Busy Busy
As promised I am working on resizing the pics so I can post the reviews I took them for. It's taking a little longer than I planned. Ontop of finishing my Christmas shopping (YAY) I baught a little gift for myself. Just grabbed my laptop and as soon as I get it all figured out updating this will be ALOT easier! I probably sound crazy, but as addicted as I am to my net access I HATE sittingat a desk. I love being comfortable and my laptop thusfar seems to be able to help me do that!Here's wishing everyone a safe and wonderful holiday season!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Semi Update and a few random facts
I have been a little absent due to lack of images to go with planned reviews. I have finally figured outthe basics of my new camera and have taken pictures. Once I upload and crop them I will have some pic heavy reviews! I have made a promise to myself to update at least once a week!
Onto randomness now...
I find it perplexing. I don't really have many followers at all. Several times a week I do get emails from people who have read my blog. They've either come across it from my YouTube channel or other forums. I don't mind answering their emails if I can in anyway. I do wonder though.....Why not just subscribe? To me it would make more sense to subscribe and ask the question on my blog....Different strokes for different folks I guess?? So I figured since some of the questions are very repetitive I would simply post them in this entry so as not to keep answering the same inquiries.
To keep it simple I don't get paid. Don't get me wrong. YouTube is a great community fo the most part. I simply post videos showing how lenses look. I don't do make up reviews, electronics reviews or anything of that sort. I can write my reviews here and that's good enough. Since it's not a job I see no need to do anymore than that. The videos are just something I put up in my spare time when the spirit moves me.
This one makes me chuckle a bit. First because while I am bigger I am not that much overweight. Second because many who ask me this assume I'm short! In reality I don't post anything but face shots because that's all I can. I don't own a dsl/dsr or whatever those fancy cameras are called nor do I own a tri pod. I also don't have a full length mirror tall enough. With no shoes on I am 6'4 1/2" tall. Yep I'm not only not short I'm also above average height.
I don't really see the relevance or reasoning behind this question. I can only assume it's out of mere quriosity. I often get some people assuming I am either Latin American, Hawaiian, or some mix of Filipino. I am none of the above. Not that I really see what it matters but I am African American and Irish. That's it. No more no less.
I sorta get annoyed by this one. In a few posts I mention the fact that some subjects such as make up I don't talk on because I don't wear it. To answer nothing. The thickness, curve, and length of my lashes is natural.
Well I will start of by saying what I said earlier, if you read my blog often and email me feel free to SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW my blog! That being said I work anywhere from 40-50 hours a week. That's not counting going to and from work. And I worm so much because I have bills to pay. I'm not sure how "young" people perceive me to be. In reality I'm going on 27. Like most adult members of society who contribute I work a full time job. Up until this summer/fall I was actually also working a part time job for 3 years after working my full-time job.
I get my contacts from various places. Most frequently from JCPenny Optical (FYI it is also referred to as US Vision in some states). I occasionally order them online and from overseas. When I see a new brand I sometimes get them at a Beauty Supply Store as well. I always list where I get my lenses from. If ever unsure check the description.
Hopefully this helps those who follow me but don't subscribe (And if that's you feel free to do so now!)and any of my followers who may have been wondering anything! Anymore questions feel free to ask me in the comments!
Onto randomness now...
I find it perplexing. I don't really have many followers at all. Several times a week I do get emails from people who have read my blog. They've either come across it from my YouTube channel or other forums. I don't mind answering their emails if I can in anyway. I do wonder though.....Why not just subscribe? To me it would make more sense to subscribe and ask the question on my blog....Different strokes for different folks I guess?? So I figured since some of the questions are very repetitive I would simply post them in this entry so as not to keep answering the same inquiries.
To keep it simple I don't get paid. Don't get me wrong. YouTube is a great community fo the most part. I simply post videos showing how lenses look. I don't do make up reviews, electronics reviews or anything of that sort. I can write my reviews here and that's good enough. Since it's not a job I see no need to do anymore than that. The videos are just something I put up in my spare time when the spirit moves me.
This one makes me chuckle a bit. First because while I am bigger I am not that much overweight. Second because many who ask me this assume I'm short! In reality I don't post anything but face shots because that's all I can. I don't own a dsl/dsr or whatever those fancy cameras are called nor do I own a tri pod. I also don't have a full length mirror tall enough. With no shoes on I am 6'4 1/2" tall. Yep I'm not only not short I'm also above average height.
I don't really see the relevance or reasoning behind this question. I can only assume it's out of mere quriosity. I often get some people assuming I am either Latin American, Hawaiian, or some mix of Filipino. I am none of the above. Not that I really see what it matters but I am African American and Irish. That's it. No more no less.
I sorta get annoyed by this one. In a few posts I mention the fact that some subjects such as make up I don't talk on because I don't wear it. To answer nothing. The thickness, curve, and length of my lashes is natural.
Well I will start of by saying what I said earlier, if you read my blog often and email me feel free to SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW my blog! That being said I work anywhere from 40-50 hours a week. That's not counting going to and from work. And I worm so much because I have bills to pay. I'm not sure how "young" people perceive me to be. In reality I'm going on 27. Like most adult members of society who contribute I work a full time job. Up until this summer/fall I was actually also working a part time job for 3 years after working my full-time job.
I get my contacts from various places. Most frequently from JCPenny Optical (FYI it is also referred to as US Vision in some states). I occasionally order them online and from overseas. When I see a new brand I sometimes get them at a Beauty Supply Store as well. I always list where I get my lenses from. If ever unsure check the description.
Hopefully this helps those who follow me but don't subscribe (And if that's you feel free to do so now!)and any of my followers who may have been wondering anything! Anymore questions feel free to ask me in the comments!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sorry for the lack of updates
I sincerely apologize for my lack of updating. I have been working like crazy due to the holiday season. To top that off my camera has broken...It took me a while to find a new one I like and to decide on it. I have. As soon as I finish figuring out how to work it I will be updating my blog again!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Update coming soon
I do apologize for not having a review up recently. I have been super busy with work and Christmas shopping. I have to finish going through my pictures and cropping and marking them before I get my reviews up. Hope everyone is enjoying their day.
Friday, October 29, 2010
New reviews coming soon
Just a quick update. Been super busy. I will have some new reviews coming soon. Stay tuned.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Adult J-203 Review
I finally received my EOS Adult Series J-203 lenses in Grey a few days ago. I was super busy but am now on vacation so I had some time to take a few pics and upload them.
I ordered them from www.HoneyColor.com I placed the order on October 11,2010 and they were origionally supposed to arrive on October 26,2010. They arrived on Friday October 22,2010. Super quick. They were packaged very well and cared for very well.

They arrived in a crazy neat box branded with the websites name on it, and a super crazy contact lens case. I think the caps are hippos?? Please correct me if I'm wrong!

The vials were kept neat and secure in their packaging!

Since they were going to be worn after a quick rinse once removed from the vials I snapped a quick pic of them in them.

Lens out of the vial compared to Elegance Grey. They are very similar in tone and pattern. Adult Grey lens is slightly better imho.

Quick comparison of Elegance Grey and Adult J-203 Grey. They create a very similar result on the eyes. Despite Elegance having a smaller pupil hole I actually think the Adult J-203 looks more natural in person.

Just the Adult Series J-203 Grey lenses on my eyes. The last pic is a bit out of focus and the coloring is off due to my cameras inability to take a good picture in macro setting without a flash. They look as light, if not lighter than they do in the flash pics in person.
They came to $26.90 total for the lenses. $22.90 for the pair (which is annual. YAY!) and $4.00 for the shipping. They arrived quick and secure. They did have to be signed for but hey, what lenses don't now a days. They shipped from Singapore and have probably been the quickest I have received lenses. I have ordered within the US and had lenses take longer.
I highly recommend them. Super comfortable and great results! I will say though, that I feel these would look even better on dark brown eyes. I also love the fact that despite the large pattern of the lens, it appears so opaque that their is no halo'd leakage.
I paid for these lenses with my own money. They were not sponsored of gifted to me in any way. I have no sponsership/partnership with the company www.honeycolor.com and was in no way gifted or compensated in any way to give a good review of their service or the lenses in this review.
I ordered them from www.HoneyColor.com I placed the order on October 11,2010 and they were origionally supposed to arrive on October 26,2010. They arrived on Friday October 22,2010. Super quick. They were packaged very well and cared for very well.

They arrived in a crazy neat box branded with the websites name on it, and a super crazy contact lens case. I think the caps are hippos?? Please correct me if I'm wrong!

The vials were kept neat and secure in their packaging!

Since they were going to be worn after a quick rinse once removed from the vials I snapped a quick pic of them in them.

Lens out of the vial compared to Elegance Grey. They are very similar in tone and pattern. Adult Grey lens is slightly better imho.

Quick comparison of Elegance Grey and Adult J-203 Grey. They create a very similar result on the eyes. Despite Elegance having a smaller pupil hole I actually think the Adult J-203 looks more natural in person.

Just the Adult Series J-203 Grey lenses on my eyes. The last pic is a bit out of focus and the coloring is off due to my cameras inability to take a good picture in macro setting without a flash. They look as light, if not lighter than they do in the flash pics in person.
They came to $26.90 total for the lenses. $22.90 for the pair (which is annual. YAY!) and $4.00 for the shipping. They arrived quick and secure. They did have to be signed for but hey, what lenses don't now a days. They shipped from Singapore and have probably been the quickest I have received lenses. I have ordered within the US and had lenses take longer.
I highly recommend them. Super comfortable and great results! I will say though, that I feel these would look even better on dark brown eyes. I also love the fact that despite the large pattern of the lens, it appears so opaque that their is no halo'd leakage.
I paid for these lenses with my own money. They were not sponsored of gifted to me in any way. I have no sponsership/partnership with the company www.honeycolor.com and was in no way gifted or compensated in any way to give a good review of their service or the lenses in this review.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Adult review coming soon
I received my new Adult greys about 2 days ago. I have busy so I haven't opened them yet. I will have a review with pics Monday.
Monday, October 11, 2010
EOS Adult Series J-203
I recently ordered a pair of EOS Adult Series J-203 in Grey. They are the new current pattern.In case some weren't aware the origional Adult lens pattern was discontinued. I am unsure why myself but can't help but think the inconsistancies of opacity in some batches and off references to colors of the lenses may play some part. While my Green Adult Lenses are no more I opted not ot order my origional shades. Their origional Green was a very seafoam aqua blue shade. Their new Green is well Green. Their Brown does look appealing but I still have a perfectly good rarely worn pair in the old pattern which I do like better tone wise. I opted for the Grey. Not only does the color look great, the new pattern does as well. I will post a review and pics as soon as the lenses arrive. They have shipped so now it's simply a matter of waiting. I do apologize but the site I ordered from didn't have any stock advertisement pics so I won't be posting any of those at this time.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Eyes Of The Gods
The title says it all. One Goddess in particular comes to mind...VENUS.. The goddess of love. For centuries big, wide, innocent, childlike eyes have been seen asa doting image of being "lovestruck". Sometime ago lens manufacturer Marietta Vision developed a lens called Venus. These lenses aimed at giving "Goddess like eyes" are made with the intention of not only creating the illusion of a different eye color. They are made with the intent of creating big, doey, innocent, childlike, "lovestruck" eyes. These can be a breath of fresh air in a lens market where the main option for this effect is circle lenses. Which while they have their appeal don't necessarily create the most desired results. Venus lenses come in six different colors: Slate Grey, Pacific Blue, Ice Blue, Leaf Green, Violet, and Amber. I have owned every shade with the exception of Violet and Pacific Blue. I currently however only have 3 shades in my collection....Slate Grey, Ice Blue and Amber.
Slate Grey:

Ice Blue: (One of my personal favorites from this line)

Amber:(The best lens of the line)

Amber is by far the most realistic shade of Amber I've ever seen in a lens. Unlike most Amber/Honey/Hazel lenses which simply look orange these actually look Amber. They also seem to blend wonderfully with a multitude of eye colors. I will be posting close up pictures of Amber soon. The lenses are reasonably priced at most online vendors. I personally recommend www.1-Save-On-Lens.com and http://Color-My-Eyes.com The latter actually sells them very cheap by the pair reguardless of the rx for each eye. They are sold as 3 month replacement lenses but can be worn for 12 months if cared for and worn responsibly. Unlike many circle lenses they are also readily available in corrective powers and ship quickly. Since they're made in the US they're also readily available in the US and Canada. (If you live in Canada it will cost more per lens but I would recommend www.1-Save-On-Lens.com as they have a Canadian branch and warehouse. You'll save on shipping and won't have to wait for them to be processed through customs). Sorry for the blah post. I will be doing another review soon on some recently discontinued disposable lenses. Stay tuned!
Slate Grey:

Ice Blue: (One of my personal favorites from this line)

Amber:(The best lens of the line)

Amber is by far the most realistic shade of Amber I've ever seen in a lens. Unlike most Amber/Honey/Hazel lenses which simply look orange these actually look Amber. They also seem to blend wonderfully with a multitude of eye colors. I will be posting close up pictures of Amber soon. The lenses are reasonably priced at most online vendors. I personally recommend www.1-Save-On-Lens.com and http://Color-My-Eyes.com The latter actually sells them very cheap by the pair reguardless of the rx for each eye. They are sold as 3 month replacement lenses but can be worn for 12 months if cared for and worn responsibly. Unlike many circle lenses they are also readily available in corrective powers and ship quickly. Since they're made in the US they're also readily available in the US and Canada. (If you live in Canada it will cost more per lens but I would recommend www.1-Save-On-Lens.com as they have a Canadian branch and warehouse. You'll save on shipping and won't have to wait for them to be processed through customs). Sorry for the blah post. I will be doing another review soon on some recently discontinued disposable lenses. Stay tuned!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Elegant with Elegance:Light Blue
Well I am here with what is possibly my new Holy Grail lens...Unfortunatly it's been discontinued for over a year now. That is Elegance by Ciba Vision. I will bore you with the details of the branding in another post. In the mean time I will share my joy.
First things first..The close ups:

Full face shot's showing their awesomeness:

These are beyond gorgeous and captivating. They have rotated my previous holy grail lens (Natural Touch by Coopervision...also discontinued and to be reviewed shortly). I was very fortunate to snag a sealed, non expired pair of these in my perscription and am in awe of them. More pics and a better review will be coming soon. Stay tuned.
First things first..The close ups:

Full face shot's showing their awesomeness:

These are beyond gorgeous and captivating. They have rotated my previous holy grail lens (Natural Touch by Coopervision...also discontinued and to be reviewed shortly). I was very fortunate to snag a sealed, non expired pair of these in my perscription and am in awe of them. More pics and a better review will be coming soon. Stay tuned.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Brilliantly Blue....
Long time no write...I have had a crazy schedule and social life and have not had time to update lately...Can you tell I'm a king of run-on sentences?! I digress. I went out with some friends Saturday and decided to snap some photos after washing my face while getting ready. The lense I wore out have been frequently worn lately. They are FreshLook Colorblends in Brilliant Blue. They're one of three new colors from the Vibrant Views shades added to the line last year.

Sorry about the quality of the pics. I am neither a professional photographer nor am I an expert or owner in photoshop. They were comfortable, had decent visual aquity and got quite a few compliments so they did their job. That's really it for now..I have a more sophisticated review coming up soon so stay tuned!

Sorry about the quality of the pics. I am neither a professional photographer nor am I an expert or owner in photoshop. They were comfortable, had decent visual aquity and got quite a few compliments so they did their job. That's really it for now..I have a more sophisticated review coming up soon so stay tuned!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Rainbow Complete NEW YORK contact lenses
I recently embarked on a trip to New Jersey with a couple of my friends. Amongst some great tax free shopping we grabbed up some lenses. They are from a brand called Rainbow Complete NEW YORK.The brand is owned by parent company Fine&Clear and the lenses are manufactured in Korea by a company called THEG INC. (Never heard of them prior). The brand has 7 different styles of lenses each with their own varying colors and patterns. Naturals which is a line of 1 Tone lenses. Illusions which is a line of 2 Tone lenses. Mistys which is a 3 Tone line. Blendys which is also a 3 Tone Line. Smokeys which is 1 Tone. Cocktails which is 2 Tone, and Krazys which is their special effects line. They were purchased at a beauty supply in Jersey City somwehere between 48th and 59th street. Can't remember the exact location. They were pretty much $30.00 everywhere and most of the BSS had the entire collection or a majority of them. I have seen some of the other lenses on my friends since and I plan on purchasing a few more at the end of the summer when we go back. I purchased a lens from the Mistys line. The shade is Caribbean. While it's supposed to be a 3 Toned lens it imho is more of a 2 Toned lens. In the package/lens case they do favor a brand called Expressions by Coopervision. On the eye in talking distance though they favor Natural Touch by Coopervision and Elegance by Ciba Vision. Here are some pics of the lenses. I do apologize as they were taken after having a shower and washing my face with a new brand upon arriving home from the tanning salon.
Lenses in the case:

Close up shots of the lenses on the eyes:

Full face shots:

Overall I like them. They're comfortable, cheap and create a dramatic yet decent effect. I don't like the fact that like many other lenses that appear great (Pacifica comes to mind) they only seem to come in plano. Another downside is I've done quite some researching on these lenses since I've purchased them and even on their homepage http://fineandclear.com I can't seem tot ell if they are available in corrective parameters or not. If anyone can find these lenses online,a nd even better in corrective powers please let me know. So wht do you think? Are there some other lenses in their line that intrigue you and you'd like to try or see on someone? LEt me know in the comment box.
Lenses in the case:

Close up shots of the lenses on the eyes:

Full face shots:

Overall I like them. They're comfortable, cheap and create a dramatic yet decent effect. I don't like the fact that like many other lenses that appear great (Pacifica comes to mind) they only seem to come in plano. Another downside is I've done quite some researching on these lenses since I've purchased them and even on their homepage http://fineandclear.com I can't seem tot ell if they are available in corrective parameters or not. If anyone can find these lenses online,a nd even better in corrective powers please let me know. So wht do you think? Are there some other lenses in their line that intrigue you and you'd like to try or see on someone? LEt me know in the comment box.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
just a little update.
Sorry for the late update. I have been super busy. I will be posting lots of pics and reviews between now and Tuesday as I finally have some vacation time. Since I am back to working one job I will also be updating more. Thanks to those who follow my ramblings for having patience!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
New Update Coming Soon
I have some updates coming soon! I have been busy but I have not been ignoring my blog. I have recently purchased some new lenses and received a new pair as a gift. Pics will be posted as long as a review of some lenses everyone has probably either tried or seen. Will be posting them very soon!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Been Gone For A Minute
I have been gone from my blog for a minute. It has been a hectic holiday season and working 2 jobs in retail have not helped. Having a social life that has seemingly got even more active has not helped much either. I suppose another downfall (for my few subscribers and I humbly thank all 3 of you for taking the time to check in on my blog!)Having some pc and cell phone issues hasn't helped. I am back now! YAY for me! I will have a new blog up later on this week followed by more to come. My newest review will be interesting (As it involves reviewing ALOT of lenses!). I suppose part of my discouragement is how I post my pics. I hate having to continuously crop them before posting them. Amongst a review will be a new layout possibly. It should get interesting. And I will be delving into some clothing as well. Hey I figure not alot of guys have blogs like these, may as well throw what I know of style in as well..Esp. beign on the big and tall end. (I could lose a few more pounds than I have already, and I'm 6'4" so I'm sure some guy out there can benefit from my shopping tips..). I digress. I am still here and I will be more active on this blog as a new years resolution to myself! Stay tuned!
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