I ordered them from www.HoneyColor.com I placed the order on October 11,2010 and they were origionally supposed to arrive on October 26,2010. They arrived on Friday October 22,2010. Super quick. They were packaged very well and cared for very well.

They arrived in a crazy neat box branded with the websites name on it, and a super crazy contact lens case. I think the caps are hippos?? Please correct me if I'm wrong!

The vials were kept neat and secure in their packaging!

Since they were going to be worn after a quick rinse once removed from the vials I snapped a quick pic of them in them.

Lens out of the vial compared to Elegance Grey. They are very similar in tone and pattern. Adult Grey lens is slightly better imho.

Quick comparison of Elegance Grey and Adult J-203 Grey. They create a very similar result on the eyes. Despite Elegance having a smaller pupil hole I actually think the Adult J-203 looks more natural in person.

Just the Adult Series J-203 Grey lenses on my eyes. The last pic is a bit out of focus and the coloring is off due to my cameras inability to take a good picture in macro setting without a flash. They look as light, if not lighter than they do in the flash pics in person.
They came to $26.90 total for the lenses. $22.90 for the pair (which is annual. YAY!) and $4.00 for the shipping. They arrived quick and secure. They did have to be signed for but hey, what lenses don't now a days. They shipped from Singapore and have probably been the quickest I have received lenses. I have ordered within the US and had lenses take longer.
I highly recommend them. Super comfortable and great results! I will say though, that I feel these would look even better on dark brown eyes. I also love the fact that despite the large pattern of the lens, it appears so opaque that their is no halo'd leakage.
I paid for these lenses with my own money. They were not sponsored of gifted to me in any way. I have no sponsership/partnership with the company www.honeycolor.com and was in no way gifted or compensated in any way to give a good review of their service or the lenses in this review.
Love it :) They are like a subtle version of the elegance :)
I saw pics of the new adult lenses (pink) and didn't really like them but these grey ones look great on you! I think I actually prefer the look of the Elegance lenses because it has a more crystal-y effect but you rock both lenses well :)
Now you're making me all excited for my Honey Color package! Supposed to come sometime this week, can't wait! ~~
Sara: They photograph a bit more suble in the vibrancy category. Their enlarging factor does make them as noticable, if not more in person.
Chung: The Elegance lenses do have a crystal/fluid efect in person. That being said though they have been discontinued for almost 2 years if not more. Coming by them nowadays is very rare and expensive. These are a nice substitute. In person they create a similar effect. I have seen the adult pink lenses but I have a feeling they would just take my eye color and look more of a pale medium amber shade, similar to the result Colorblends Amethyst can have.
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