Monday, July 21, 2008


So... Yes.. Once again I've gone blonde... I was bored with the black. cut my hair off and after boring myself by looking at my auburn hair I opted to go blonde again. It's not as damaged as it was the last time. Probaly because I don't have multiple bleachings ontop of hair that's already been colored within an inch of it's life. Other than that bored... Over worked, under paid... And soo over extended on time. I feel as though I constantly need to be able to view myself in a different way. I suppose it's like they say the grass is always greener...

And on a lighter note I have actually been explained how to post pictures on my blog from another member on here (Thanks again Jen!) So.. I will soon be able to actually do more of the blogging that I want to. (Such as the eye brow dying tutorial I wanted to post some time ago!). boring I know.. But hey I'm sure someone will benefit from my rambling! Hey who knows.. I also plan on doing a lens review... Don't wear make up (hey I have style but I'm not THAT into my looks.. This guy doesn't go that far...) But I do have an array of lenses I've been wanting to do a thurough review of for a while. since I actually have come across quite a few blogs of other members reviewing them I figured "why not".


Jen said...

that's awesome gregg! I'm looking forward to your lens reviews. :)

Jen said...

that's awesome gregg! I'm looking forward to your lens reviews. :)

Gregg said...

Thanks for explaining how ot post pics again! I hope to have them up by tomorrow soemtiem> Friday at the latest!